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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Posted 5-1-2019 (Dated 4-26-2019) EIT Honorees

Hi, WIS Colleagues,
My sincere apologies for not honoring one of our own for the EIT 2018-2019.
Joy Grabar

Excellence in Teaching ’18-19

Hawaii Academy Arts and Science PCS

Celeste Barcia

Hilo Intermediate School

Laura Kelson
Robert Bowman
Chris Paulachak
Sarah Glendon
Hilo Union Elementary

Wenona Correa

Ka’u High and Pahala Elementary

Amy Hinton

Kalanianaole Elementary and Intermediate

Andrea Wilson
Glendene Otake
Kapiolani Elementary

Sandra Munekata
Joy Hirayama
Ahulani Haleamau-Kahawai
Kea'au Elementary

Alyson Pang-Ching

Kea'au Middle School

Kristin Bajo
Moses Kealamakia
Cathleen Darrow
Kea'au High School

May Richard
Cynthia Kay
Mountain View Elementary

Natalie Poy

Na Wai Ola PCS

Carrie Soo Hoo

Naalehu Elementary

Rose Acevedo

Pahoa Elementary

Amy Masaoka

Volcano School Arts Science PCS

Tamara Wong-Morrison

Waiakea High School

Sheri Kojima
Donna Tanabe
Waiakeawaena Elementary

Cheryl Kuroda
Lori Dedman
Hilo High School

Matthew Masuyama
Derek Inouye
Pahoa High School

Erlinda Mauricio
Clemente Hudson
John Akagi
June Niimi
Stewart Miyashiro

Posted 5-1-2019 (Dated 4-30-2019) HSTA reacts to down payment program announcement

To our members:

Hawaii's cost of living is incredibly high and, as spotlighted in recent media reports, a lack of affordable housing plays a major role in the state's teacher shortage crisis and high turnover rate.
Landed is a new program that provides up to half of the down payment (as much as $120,000 per family) on a home for educators, in exchange for repaying the loan and a 25 percent share in the gain (or loss, if any) of the value of the home once it is sold or refinanced. You may see some news coverage about the program, since the Landed company is holding a news conference this morning.
The HSTA welcomes any effort to help educators, however this option may only work for a very small percentage of our members. We will continue to fight for better wages and benefits to ensure teachers don't need financial assistance to afford a home.
See story on HSTA supported bills on teacher housing. 
Like any tool, the down payment assistance program has to be right for the job. Some educators may choose this option if the alternative is not being able to purchase a home at all. The program may cost more in the end, compared to mortgage insurance if the value of the home significantly increases. 
Down payment assistance is not a long-term solution. Teachers who choose to work with Landed should discuss this option with a trusted expert to ensure it is the best option given the circumstances. When purchasing a home, the Hawaii State Teachers Association advises members to research all loan options and make an informed decision that works best for them.
Landed is hosting a series of information sessions for interested HIDOE employees in mid-May. 
  • >> RSVP here << May 13 - Kauai: 4-5 p.m., Kauai High School
  • >> RSVP here << May 14 - Honolulu: 4-5 p.m., Farrington High School
  • >> RSVP here << May 14 - Windward Oahu: 4-5 p.m., Castle High School
  • >> RSVP here << May 15 - Central Oahu: 4-5 p.m., Mililani High School
  • >> RSVP here << May 15 - Leeward Oahu: 4-5 p.m., Kapolei High School
  • >> RSVP here << May 16 - Maui: 4-5 p.m., Maui High School
  • >> RSVP here << May 17 - Kona: 4-5 p.m., Konawaena High School
  • >> RSVP here << May 17 - Hilo: 4-5 p.m., Waiakea High School
If you don’t see an event near you listed, you can contact Landed’s team directly at:
Disclaimer: HSTA is not endorsing this program but wants to give our members information so they can make informed decisions affecting their family finances.
In solidarity,
Corey Rosenlee
HSTA President

Posted 5-1-2019 (Dated 4-26-2019) HSTA Updates from Rae


1.      SLL Elections:  Election forms due May 3, 2019.  Please plan on having your SLL elections completed and sent into HSTA by the due date or email me if you are having difficulties.
2.      EIT Luncheon:  May 5, 2019 from 11-3pm at Nani Mau Gardens.  Attached you will find the list of EIT (Excellence in Teaching) Awardees and retirees. 
3.      NALC Food Drive:  May 11, 2019 from noon to 5 or so at the Hilo Airport post office loading dock.  Wear red HSTA shirt and covered shoes.
4.      May RA:  May 14, 2019 at Kapiolani Elem. library from 5:30 pm. 
5.      Relay for Life:  July 20, 2019 at Wong Stadium from 4-midnight.  Join us at the HSTA tent in your red shirt and walking shoes/slippers.  Plan on sharing a potluck dish with others.  Paper goods and drinks to be provided.
6.      Summer Leadership Training:  July 24-25, 2019 on Oahu.  Two SLLs per school are invited to attend, more information to follow shortly once your SLL election forms have been turned in.
7.      SLL Training for 2019-2021 SLLs:  August weekend sessions pending site confirmations.  This will be a newly revised training based on recent events and current and future focus for HSTA.  All newly elected SLLs are highly encouraged to attend.  More information will be sent to individuals once your school’s SLL election form has been received and we have confirmation on the site and dates.

I want to personally thank all of you for working so hard at your schools for your teachers, your students and for HSTA.  You are much appreciated.  You are the backbone and the reason for HSTA’s existence.  Please have a safe and wonderful summer with your loved ones.

I am looking forward to working with all of you again, except of course for our beloved retirees.  I wish them all the best in their new lives.

Take care,

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Posted 4-28-2019 (Dated 4-26-2019) Explore free place-based curriculum, financial aid for board certification


Presented by the Hawaii State Teachers Association
APRIL 26, 2019

Hawaii's public vs. private education

Our teacher lobbyist, Christine Russo, shared her perspective on Hawaii's public vs. private education in an editorial published in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser this week.
"While it seems completely logical that a family with the means would wish to send their child to private school, studies show there is a misconception about the academic gains a private school education provides," she writes. "It’s time to shift our thinking on what it means to invest in education in our state."
Read more

Free environmental education workshop available for teachers

The Moanalua Gardens Foundation invites teachers to a free workshop that encourages the use of community as a classroom and as a resource for learning.

Financial assistance available for NEA Jump Start seminars

Native Hawaiian educators who teach at, or are planning to teach at, a Hawaii Department of Education or public charter school can apply for financial assistance as they work toward National Board Certification.

Enroll or change your health care plan

If you haven't already examined the options to determine which plan(s) best meet your family's health care needs, know that your deadline is quickly approaching.

Central Chapter president honored

Central Chapter honors Mililani Middle teacher Kristi Miyamae, whose six-year term as president is coming to a close. "Thank you for all that you have done!"
Watch the video
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